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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

A Tribute To Bruce Willis, The Ultimate Dad Bod Action Hero

We all love a good action movie. Some of them take the action to another level altogether and it's still pretty enjoyable. After all, we turn to movies to take us away from the real world, right? But, what about the times when we want to watch a movie without having to leave our common sense at the door? © 20th Century Fox This is where Bruce Willis comes into the picture. Action heroes like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger have made a name for themselves with perfectly chiselled bodies most of us can only dream of. This was the 80s and 90s and testosterone was oozing out of every action movie like there's no tomorrow. Then in 1988, an out of shape Bruce Willis comes along and everything changes. © 20th Century Fox We got to see a brand new type of action hero, the dad bod action hero. I wasn't even born then and I still know what a cultural impact this movie had on Hollywood. For the first time, we didn't see an action hero who beat everyone up without as much as a scratch. He didn't come out unscathed. He was so broken at the end of 'Die Hard' he couldn't even walk straight. © 20th Century Fox There are two different ways to look at this. The first is to say it's just a movie. The kind of movie we all want to watch in a cinema. Mindless action. Who cares for realism when you're in the theatre? The other side to this is, sometimes we just want to watch a movie which is believable and not boring at the same time. Why was it so hard to create an action movie that could also be believable? © 20th Century Fox Yes, Bruce has also been involved in 'out there' movies like 'Unbreakable', 'The Sixth Sense' and 'The Fifth Element' but 'Die Hard' will always be his best action movie for me. Why? Because it's based in the real world with a real action hero

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